Q: What clothes should I wear?
A: Clothes that are loose and comfortable are best. You may also be asked to remove some clothing down to your underwear, as long as this is okay with you.
Q: Will the treatment hurt?
A: Treatments are tailored to what you are comfortable with. Some techniques can cause more discomfort than others. Rest assured all your options will be explained and you can choose to avoid or stop certain techniques if they make you feel uncomfortable. It is however, common for some soreness to be present following a session, which may last 24-48h.
Q: Will my bones be clicked?
A: If appropriate, Osteopaths are trained to manipulate joints, which can cause a clicking sound. These are only performed if it is deemed safe and appropriate to do so, and, as with any technique, you may choose to avoid or stop any treatment at any time.
Q: Why might I receive treatment to other parts of my body that aren’t causing my pain?
A: During assessment, your osteopath will explain to you what structures may be causing your discomfort. It is very common for tensions and restrictions to be present elsewhere as they may be compensations, causes of the pain or even maintaining the present complaint.